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Discover activities for the whole family at Railroad Days Sept. 19

Little barrel rides are one of several activities kids can enjoy at Railroad Days, held Saturday, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Marquette Depot and Information Center. (NIT file photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Immerse yourself in Marquette’s railroad history Sept. 19, as the Marquette Depot Museum and Information Center presents its annual Railroad Days celebration from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The event kicks off at 10 a.m. with caricature drawings by local artist John Mundt, along with little barrel rides for the kids.

The Hole in the Sock Gang 1880s street theater group will perform at 11 a.m., with the bad guys attempting to rob the train. Watch to see if they’ll get away with the money.


School board approves annual progress report, goals

Sharon Greener, Tonya Meyer and Collin Stubbs were sworn on to the MFL MarMac School Board Sept. 14. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

The MFL MarMac School Board approved the district’s annual progress report and goals for the next year at its monthly meeting Sept. 14.

Teacher Jen Wilwert gave the presentation, breaking down student proficiency, by grade level, in reading, science and math on the Iowa Assessment.

In reading, all grade levels showed students at least 69.2 percent proficient, with the highest level in last year’s ninth and 11th graders, at over 90 percent. That put MFL MarMac above the AEA and state in two-thirds of grades three through 11.


Churches collaborate to offer inter-generational Bible study

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 23, McGregor’s First Congregational and First Lutheran Churches will collaborate to offer inter-generational Bible study sessions for area residents of all faiths.

The sessions will be held each week, on Wednesday, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Through the fall, sessions will be held at the First Congregational Church, but will eventually be held at both churches. The program will run until May 18, 2016.


MCED welcomes Brenen's Painting

The Monona Chamber and Economic Development (MCED) welcomed its newest member, Brenen’s Interior and Exterior Painting, of Luana, to the community Sept. 8 with a ribbon cutting event. Pictured are Monona City Administrator Dan Canton, Monona Councilwoman Randee Blietz, MCED Director Ali Werger, MCED Executive Director Rogeta Halvorson, Monona Mayor Barb Collins, Brenen Steele, Greg Formanek with Superior Builders, Monona Councilman Dan Havlicek and Pam Malanaphy. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

The Monona Chamber and Economic Development (MCED) welcomed its newest member, Brenen’s Interior and Exterior Painting, of Luana, to the community Sept. 8 with a ribbon cutting event. Owned by Brenen Steele, the business offers interior and exterior painting services for commercial, residential and agricultural buildings.

Originally from southeast Minnesota, Steele said he’s a second-generation painter.

“My dad taught me to do things right the first time,” he told those gathered at the ribbon cutting. Steele said he focuses on doing a nice job and trying to please his customers.


A view without a room

The McGregor riverfront took on a different look the last two weeks, as the decades-old Holiday Shores Motel was torn down, leaving behind an unhindered view of the Mississippi. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

Holiday Shores Motel torn down, leaving memories behind


By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

The McGregor riverfront took on a different look the last two weeks, as the decades-old Holiday Shores Motel was torn down, leaving behind an unhindered view of the Mississippi. 

As news of the tear-down spread via the North Iowa Times Facebook page, many current and former residents, as well as visitors to the area, took to the social networking site to voice their thoughts. As of Sept. 4, the original post had reached nearly 15,000 people, was shared 111 times and accumulated nearly 40 comments, with people sharing memories and speculating about the future of the property. 


Halvorsons garner Heritage Farm recognition

At this year’s Iowa State Fair, 101 Heritage Farms were recognized. Among the families honored for having a Heritage Farm, meaning the family has owned a farm of at least 40 acres for 150 years or more, was the Roger and Connie Halvorson family. Connie (center) was joined by children Rogeta, Tracey and Jay, and daughter-in-law Cindy, at the program. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

At this year’s Iowa State Fair, 366 Century Farms and 101 Heritage Farms were recognized. Among the families honored for having a Heritage Farm, meaning the family has owned a farm of at least 40 acres for 150 years or more, was the Roger and Connie Halvorson family. 

The farm, located near Waterville, was bought by Roger’s great grandparents in October 1864, said Connie. 


McGregor Center gardens benefit school curriculum, lunch program

Fifth grade science students reaped the benefits of a good harvest during the first week of school. (Submitted photos)

Middle school students enjoy cabbage harvested from the garden at lunchtime.

Both gardens are being used in the science curriculum for intermediate and middle school students at the McGregor Center. The gardens are also being utilized as a place to hold classes outdoors.

Fifth grade science classes enjoy the harvest.

Chloe, a fifth grader, enjoys harvesting and eating carrots from the McGregor school gardens.

Students have enjoyed the fruits of the McGregor Center melon patch.

The McGregor school gardens were created in the spring of 2014 with grants from the Clayton County Foundation for the Future and Hy-Vee. Many students, staff and volunteers pitched in to help make the gardens what they are today.  

There are two gardens. One is located behind the intermediate wing and is comprised of two vegetable garden boxes, native prairie flowers and hostas. Two picnic tables were added in order to accommodate an outdoor classroom. Recently, a wooden pallet bench/planter, made by Jonah Wille, a fifth grader, was added in conjunction with the Driftless Ambassador Program through the Driftless Area Wetlands Centre in Marquette.  

The second garden is located on the hillside playground area and includes two apple trees, a melon patch, blueberries and grapes.  


Two incumbents, one newcomer pursue seats on MFL MarMac school board

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Two incumbents—Tonya Meyer and Sharon Greener—and one newcomer—Collin Stubbs—hope to fill three seats on the MFL MarMac School Board. Current board president Patty Burkle has chosen not to run again. The election will be held Tuesday, Sept. 8, with polling places open from noon to 8 p.m. Polling places within the district include the Farmersburg Community Center, Monona Community Center and McGregor Public Library. If elected, Meyer, Greener and Stubbs will serve on the board with Gina Roys, Brian Meyer, Joshua Grau and Jonathon Moser.


Tonya Meyer—


Cities offer input for county hazard mitigation plan update

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

Communities around Clayton County held meetings in August, while others plan to meet in September, to offer input for the county’s hazard mitigation plan, which will be updated this year for the first time in five years. 

The county received grant funding to cover the cost of updating the plan, which is required for entities to receive federal funding in case of a disaster. 


Labor Day parade will turn McGregor into a circus Sept. 5

McGregor’s annual Labor Day parade will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 5. This year’s theme is once again “Circus, Circus.” (NIT file photo)

One of the special events at the McGregor Labor Day parade will be “Billy Rainbow,” who will lead a portion of the parade like his cousin did decades ago for the first circus parades of the young Ringling Brothers. Billy Rainbow is sponsored by Café McGregor, owned and operated by Brenda Boeke. (Photo by Al Anderson)

No clowning around—McGregor is the place to be Saturday, Sept. 5, as the McGregor-Marquette Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual Labor Day festivities. 

The day will kick off bright and early, as the Smith and Bulldog Childcare and Learning Centers put on a 5K run/walk. The race will begin at Triangle Park, with registration from 7 to 7:45 a.m. and the start time at 8 a.m. All proceeds will benefit the childcare centers. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wikner at (319) 360-7473 or steph.wikner@gmail.com.
