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Unearthing history: Pot could date back 150 years

Jasmine and Justice Olmstead helped unearth this cast iron pot on Diane Benson’s property along Ash Street, in McGregor, in early July. Marty Kahler, owner of the Past 100 Years antique shop, said it’s a pig scalding pot, and could date back to the 1860s.

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

From its historic downtown to the tales of former residents that continue to fascinate, the past remains very much a part of McGregor’s present. No matter where you look, there’s always something unique to discover. 

Sometimes, you don’t have to look farther than your own backyard. 

“There used to be more houses along here, all the way up to the [McGregor] Heights,” remarked Diane Benson from the deck of her home along Ash Street. “And people used to just throw things out in the back of their houses.” It makes sense, she said, that some things would be left behind. 


McGregor Historical Museum working to digitize North Iowa Times

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

The McGregor Historical Museum is working to digitize the North Iowa Times, making archives of the state’s third oldest weekly newspaper available online. 

The goal, said museum director Diane Malcom, is to preserve a digital record of the North Iowa Times for the community, library, museum and all members of the historical society. 

“People will have the ability to trace their ancestors, not only in McGregor, but as families migrated from town to town in Clayton County,” Malcom said. 


NE Iowa Behavioral Health works toward putting mental health on same level as physical

By Rachel Mergen, North Iowa Times

Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health is one of the few options for those in the area to receive the mental health and substance abuse therapy support they require to live a happy, healthy life. The agency has its main clinics in Decorah and Oelwein, but is proud to offer satellite branches in  Waukon, Elkader, West Union and Cresco, featuring 12 experienced therapists. 

Clinical director and therapist Becky Loven, who has worked in the agency for over 12 years, is proud to be able to hold a busy schedule, with many patients from around the area working with her each day.


EPC won’t refer Walz Energy to state attorney general

Denying a request from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the state’s Environmental Protection Commission has chosen not to refer Walz Energy LLC to the state attorney general’s office for ongoing violations. Since October, the DNR said Walz Energy has not complied with instructions to implement adequate stabilization or erosion control measures at the site, which has contributed to the violations.

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Denying a request from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the state’s Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) has chosen not to refer Walz Energy LLC to the state attorney general’s office for ongoing violations at the 10,000-head cattle feedlot and biogas operation under construction outside Monona. 

The DNR declared its intent to seek judicial enforcement in late May, citing three separate infractions at the Walz Energy site, including multiple illegal discharges to a water of the state (Bloody Run Creek) and violations of Walz’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and wastewater construction permits. 


Troester appointed new mayor of McGregor

McGregor’s new mayor, Lyle Troester, recites the oath of office at the July 18 council meeting. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

McGregor’s new mayor is Lyle Troester. The city council appointed Troester at its July 18 meeting, selecting him from a pool of three candidates that also included Deb Scott and Joey Collins.

The decision was not unanimous, with Jason Echard casting the lone dissenting vote among “yes” votes from Rogeta Halvorson, Charlie Carroll, Janet Hallberg and Joe Muehlbauer.

Troester replaces Harold Brooks, who resigned from the position in June. 


McGregor could be part of potential art projects

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

McGregor’s deputy clerk and economic development lead, Duane Boelman, recently presented the council with two opportunities the city has been given to participate in unique art projects.

The first, said Boelman, is an effort between Northeast Iowa RC&D and the River Bluffs Scenic Byway to feature scenes from along the byway on posters and wooden postcards.

Decorah artist Mary Ann Gloe will create the images. For a pledge of $1,500, Boelman said she would consider including Pikes Peak State Park.


164th Clayton County Fair has fun for the whole family Aug. 1-6

The Little Piglet Show, now in its third year, will be one of many fun events at the 164th Clayton County Fair, held Aug. 1-6 in National. (NIT file photo)

From live entertainment and inflatable activities to livestock showing and good food, the 164th annual Clayton County Fair, held Aug. 1-6 in National, will offer fun for the whole family.

Clayton County 4-H and FFA members have entered 3,219 exhibits for the county fair competition, according to Tammy Muller, Clayton County 4-H and Youth Program Coordinator. Entries are up 245 exhibits. The market beef, breeding beef, bucket bottle calves, dairy, sheep, horses, meat goats, dairy goats, dogs, rabbits, pets, Clover Kids and communications divisions have all seen an increase, Muller noted.

The 4-H exhibit hall, featuring projects ranging from art to engineering, will be open to viewers Wednesday, Aug. 1, beginning at 4 p.m., then Thursday through Sunday starting at noon.


School days will be a bit longer this year

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

The daily schedule at MFL MarMac will look a bit different this year. 

Instead of starting classes at 8:25 a.m., they will now begin at 8:20 a.m. The end of all regular school days will move from 3:20 to 3:25 p.m. The district has 2:20 p.m. early releases on most Wednesdays. 

“That will add 40 minutes to the week and three to four days, hour-wise, to the end of the school year,” explained high school principal Larry Meyer. 


One year later: Restoring McGregor after the tornado

Laura Nozal’s home at 210 Ann St. was one of the most heavily damaged by the July 19, 2017 tornado. Repairs are now completed, but Nozal said she won’t be planting trees any time soon. (Photos by Audrey Posten)

Northeast Iowa Lions Club volunteers were in McGregor earlier this month to mulch newly-planted trees on private properties.

Tornado-damaged downtown buildings, like the Barron Building, have been restored sensitively, keeping historical integrity in mind.

McGregor City Administrator Lynette Sander and City Clerk Duane Boelman receive a check for the Restore McGregor 2017 Tornado Fund. The lot next to the library, where the INKspiration Tattoo building stood, was donated to the city by Fred Petrie and Melanie San Fillippo shortly after the tornado. Down the road, it may be the location of a community center/library expansion.

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Thursday is July 19—a day that marks one year since an EF-1 tornado ripped through McGregor, leaving a path of destruction in fallen trees and damaged or destroyed homes and buildings that will forever be felt in the historic river community.

In the days following the tornado, residents experienced a gamut of emotions: shock, sadness, frustration. But there was also love. Love for their fellow neighbors and for the city.


Youth baseball team wins state tournament for second year in a row

Members of the MFL MarMac Iowa USSSA State Championship were (front, left to right) Zach Driscoll, Quinn McGeough, Parker Kuehl, Kyle Tilson, Jacob Schellhorn, Kade Humble; (second row) Jaron Wille, Dustin Larson, Austin Schaller, Brayden Gordon, Ben Krambeer and Aiden Schoulte, along with coaches Paul Gordon and Jeremy Schellhorn. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

MFL MarMac’s 11U baseball team capped off its season in a big way, winning the Iowa USSSA (United States Specialty Sports Association) State Baseball Tournament, held the weekend of July 7 in Cedar Rapids.

2018 marks the second year in a row this group has won the competitive tournament. This time, however, they competed at the gold, rather than silver, level.

“It’s the same tournament,” said coach Jeremy Schellhorn, “but the competition is tougher.”
