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Prairie du Chien Lions Club initiated new members

The Prairie du Chien Lions Club initiated two new members in September 2022. Pictured (Left to Right) Allison Burback sponsored by Le Anne Chapplle and Chris Foley sponsored by Roxy Stenseth. (Submitted photo).


Mara graduates United States Marine Corps Boo

Private First Class Nicholas G Mara, 18, of Prairie du Chien graduated from United States Marine Corps boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego on September 16, 2022.  Private First Class Mara successfully completed 13 weeks of intensive basic training at MCRD San Diego as one of 84 recruits in Training Platoon C-1045 with a total of 501 graduates in the Battalion.


Crawford County celebrates National 4-H Week

Volunteers work with youth to learn more about projects. Above, a volunteer teaches members about baking and how to make great muffins.

4-H members can participate in countywide events that showcase their talents. Here, two members perform a duet at the annual music festival.

National 4-H Week (Oct. 2-8) is being celebrated by 4-H clubs throughout the country. And, so it is with the 4-H clubs in Crawford County as well. 



Golden Rule sailboat crew to give presentation at Huckleberry’s

The Golden Rule sailboat will be coming to Prairie du Chien on Oct. 6-8. The Golden Rule crew will be giving a presentation to the Prairie du Chien Rotary Club on Friday, Oct. 7 at noon at Huckleberry’s Restaurant. The public is invited. “We will arrive in Prairie du Chien on Oct. 6 in the afternoon and depart on Oct. 8,” said Golden Rule Project Manager Helen Jaccard. “People can also come see the boat during the day.”



Elf on the Shelf: Tradition or torment

Our Elf on the Shelf, Vixen, has had quite an entertaining sense of humor this year.

By Correne Martin

Vixen is his name. He’s the Elf on the Shelf in our household. My kids, ages 6 and 3, are infatuated. It’s a contest, every morning, to see who can spy him around the house first. 

Vixen brings the magic of the season, some good lessons, laughs and love to our family. Some nights, he’s more work than others, but I can honestly say, his presence has been wonderful for us. 


Boy’s Choir to perform at St. Peter Evangelical Church June 12

By Rachel Mergen


Award-winning North Star Boy’s Choir will make a stop in Prairie du Chien, Monday, June 12. The concert, one of many on their national riverboat tour, will be held at the St. Peter Evangelical Church sanctuary starting at 7 p.m. 

The 28 boys will travel down the Mississippi River in the upcoming weeks by boat and bus. The boys will start their tour in Winona, Minn., and will stop at many major cities including St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. In addition, they will find themselves at Tom Sawyer’s birthplace, Hannibal, Mo., and the Civil War town of Vicksburg, Miss. 


EDITORIAL: Reporting hometown tragedy all too real

By Correne Martin

It was a scene similar to those you only view on the nightly television news. A school bus crunched up off the road, and emergency personnel hurrying to pull kids out for medical attention. Frantic parents wander about searching for their own children. Stunned onlookers stand aside, talking about the injured and guessing at what happened.

As a 13-year community journalist, I’ve witnessed so many accidents of varying degrees of gravity that I’ve lost count. I’ve chronicled and photographed fatalities involving Amish buggies, semis blasting through a home or down an embankment into the woods, motorcycles, tractors and one particular rollover in which I believe a greater power saved lives.

But this accident, the one a few miles down County P from River Ridge High School Tuesday afternoon, has particularly broken my heart. Young children were injured and, as of press time, the full extent of those injuries isn’t yet clear.


Maag, Mayne to wed

Announcing the engagement of Cayla Maag, daughter of Carol Maag, of Prairie du Chien, and the late Alvin Maag, to Ryan Mayne, son of Wendy Mayne, of Prairie du Chien. Cayla works full-time as a CNA at Crossing Rivers Health and also part-time as a night auditor at Country Inn and Suites. Ryan works at Pattison Sand Company. They will be getting married Saturday, April 29, 2017, in Prairie du Chien.


Fritsches married 50 years

Pacita and Roland Fritsche were married March 28, 1967. They will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Sunday, May 21, from noon to 4 p.m., at the Fr. Baer Hall/St. Wenceslaus Church in Eastman. All are welcome; no gifts please.


Couple enjoys 64 years of marriage memories

Johanna and George Wertwijn, of Bagley, are celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary. They were married on April 28, 1953, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. They met during ballroom dance class, when they were both 18 years old. George’s nickname was “Beethoven” because of his then plentiful, wavy hair. He was smitten with beautiful Johanna and after a three-year courtship, they were married. They have shared and enjoyed a lifetime of memories, including three children, their spouses and four grandchildren. They enjoy living in this most beautiful area of southwest Wisconsin. For their anniversary, their family will be visiting early and often.
