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Canton turns over Monona city administrator role to Collins

Dan Canton will retire as Monona’s city administrator at the end of this week. Barb Collins, who was previously mayor and most recently served as deputy clerk, will now step into the position. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Monona City Administrator Dan Canton will retire at the end of this week, relinquishing the role he’s held for nearly 10 years to Barb Collins, who’s most recently served as the city’s deputy clerk.

Canton started in Monona on June 24, 2010, following 10 years with the city of Minneota, Minn., and 18 as manager of a cooperative oil company in southwest Minnesota. The job, he said, offered he and wife Linda an opportunity to be closer to a rural property they own outside Decorah. The couple fell in love with the spot, which they’ve named Birch Point, as newlyweds in the 1970s.


MFL MarMac school board endorses ballot statement for facilities project petition

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

The MFL MarMac School Board, at its Dec. 9 meeting, endorsed the ballot statement for a petition that, if signed by at least 122 school district electors, would compel the board to call a special election for the proposed $7.8 million facilities bond referendum. 


Group works to build even stronger culture of kindness at middle school

Over a dozen student leaders at MFL MarMac Middle School are working to build an even stronger culture of kindness between students through a new group called the Kindness Crew. Members include (front, left to right) Isabella Torkelson, Mackenzie Bachman, Ava Lindner, Ava Goltz, Jerica Wille; (middle) Hailey Bouzek, Devon Meyer, Morgan Jacobson, Amelya Weigand, Mariah Moser; (back) Colton Hallberg, Scott Campbell, Kaylee Nuehring, Mindy Keehner, Evelyn Ruff, Olivia Martins and Ruby Koeller. Not pictured are Amara Buchheit, Hailea Pritchard and Karish Kluth. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Over a dozen student leaders at MFL MarMac Middle School are working to build an even stronger culture of kindness between students through a new group called the Kindness Crew.

“We try to make our school and community better,” said member Mackenzie Bachman.

The idea, added Colton Hallberg, is that “if we can change people’s attitudes now, to more good than bad, it could change for the long term, for the future.”


Endowment has already surpassed $22K

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

What started as a $10,000 gift from the Restore McGregor 2017 Tornado Fund has grown into a balance of $22,786 for the new Alexander McGregor Endowment.

The fund, which was established through the Clayton County Foundation for the Future, was launched at a gathering over the summer where four founding members announced gifts of $1,000 or more to build the endowment. An anonymous donor also gave $5,000—marking an exciting start to a new chapter in McGregor history.


Roselyn Krueger

Roselyn (Rosie) Anita Krueger, 78, of Monona, died Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019, at Great River Care Center surrounded by her family. Rosie was born on Nov. 28, 1941, to Merle and Helen (Kraft) Clark in Oelwein. She graduated from Valley High School in 1960. She met the love of her life, Ivan Krueger, during this time when they met at the Strawberry Point roller skating rink and he asked to tie her roller skates. They were married on Nov. 19, 1960, and began their life together. Five children were born to this union.


Justin Reuter

Justin Kenneth Reuter, 30, of McGregor, and formerly of Bloomington, Wis., passed away peacefully Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019, at the Guttenberg Hospital following his courageous battle with cancer. 

He was born Dec. 21, 1988, as Justin Kenneth Lange to Diane Lange, and later became Justin Reuter when Diane married Cory Reuter in 1993.


Paving the way

A new all-girls troop of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts) launched in Monona in August, becoming the first of its kind in the county since the 109-year-old organization began allowing girls ages 11 to 17 to join on Feb. 1. Troop 138 meets every Monday night at the Monona Community Center. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

For its latest fundraiser, Troop 138 helped out at Birdnow Chevrolet of Monona’s annual customer appreciation breakfast and open house. Pictured with Justin Birdnow are (front, left to right) Jerica Wille, Emma Koether, Isabella Torkelson, Karish Kluth; (back) Marlene Franzen, Marie Richard, Alena Toberman, Janie Wille and Magen Richard. (Submitted photo)

Isabella Torkelson (left) and Marlene Franzen practice their knot-tying skills at a recent meeting. The hands-on activities and fundraisers are what the girls say drew them to Scouts BSA. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

Monona has county’s first all-girl Scouts BSA troop

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

A new all-girls troop of Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts) launched in Monona in August, becoming the first of its kind in the county since the 109-year-old organization began allowing girls ages 11 to 17 to join on Feb. 1.

“We just started,” said Alena Toberman, scoutmaster of Troop 138, “but we’ve been fairly busy.”

The girls recently participated in the fall camporee, a district-wide event held at Backbone State Park, where they camped, visited a variety of skills stations and completed a service project.


‘Fruitcakes’ the recipe for fun-filled and touching evening of holiday cheer

The Fruitcakes cast includes 15 kids, including (left to right) Ashlyn Koehn, Ella Buckman, Rowan Janes, Hannah Koehn, Trace Moser, Ruby Koeller, Mariah Moser, Aiyana Janes, Christopher Lange, Sam Frailey, Macy McGeough, Gretel Moser, Tucker Bolsinger, Layia Koeller and Taryn Moser. (Submitted photos)

Two sisters (Lori Frailey and Mary Beth Specht) get some help from Jamie (Christopher Lange) in baking hundreds of fruitcakes for the village in the play Fruitcakes. The Elkader Opera House Players will present shows Dec. 6-8 and 13-15.

The Elkader Opera House Players are proud to present the holiday comedy Fruitcakes over the next two weekends. Written by Julian Wiles, this family-friendly play is just the recipe for a fun-filled and touching evening of holiday cheer. Jamie, a kid who has run away from home, at first thinks the town’s inhabitants are nuttier than fruitcakes, but soon he comes to admire, appreciate and adore this quirky little town. It’s a moving story of alienation, understanding and reconciliation.

“When I first read this script, I laughed, grew to love the characters, and then cried at the end,” said Cheri Moser, who directs Fruitcakes with her dad, Craig Strutt. “So that is our goal for this show: make the audience fall in love with this make-believe town and also make them want to go home afterwards and hug the people they love. What more could you want from a holiday show?”


Dive into sights, sounds of the holidays at Festival of Trees

Visitors can enjoy dozens of beautifully-decorated trees, holiday music, treats and more at McGregor’s 10th annual Festival of Trees. The event will kick off at Backwoods on Dec. 5 with the special Dessert Among the Trees, followed by two full days of activities on Dec. 6 and 7. (North Iowa Times file photo)

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Dive into the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday season during McGregor’s annual Festival of Trees, held Dec. 5-7 at the Backwoods Event Center.

Now in its 10th year, the celebration has grown considerably since it was first started by the McGregor-Marquette Center for the Arts (MMCA). There were around 20 trees then, displayed at the art center’s previous location next to the library, recalled one of the organizers, Anne Kruse. This year’s event will feature 45 live conifers, all lovingly decorated by local businesses, organizations and individuals—creating an illuminated winter wonderland unlike any other area display.


Holiday Train will chug into Marquette Dec. 8

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will make a stop in Marquette this Sunday, Dec. 8, at 2:45 p.m. (North Iowa Times file photo)

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will once again bring its festive display of lights and live music to Marquette next weekend, when it stops at the marina parking lot on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 2:45 p.m. 

Now in its 21st year, the Holiday Train is decorated with hundreds of thousands of lights depicting holiday scenes on 14 rail cars, one of which turns into a stage for musical performances.

Entertainment will include Canadian country artists Meghan Patrick and Kelly Prescott, as well as R&B singer Tanika Charles, who will all perform a mix of classic and modern holiday tunes. Santa Claus will also make an appearance. The show will last approximately a half hour, from 3 to 3:30 p.m.
