Library to sponsor program on Grief and the Holidays
By Caroline Rosacker
The upcoming holidays can be a time of joy and togetherness. They can also be stressful and challenging if you are experiencing a difficult life change or loss.
Grief and the Holidays
The Guttenberg Public Library will hold a Grief and the Holidays program on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 1:30 - 3 p.m. in the library meeting room.
Representatives from local hospice organizations, Nancy Heitman from Stephen Ministries, and former school counselor Carolyn Clefisch will be on hand to help facilitate the program.
Education and reflection on grief
Library Director Katey Simon will open the program followed by education and reflection led by a hospice professional, which include:
• Manifestations of grief: body, emotions, mind, behavior, social, and spiritual.
• Reflection on how adjusting to life-changing loss includes both grieving the loss and adjusting to a new life after loss.
• Discuss coping with the "year of firsts" and how this includes the holidays.
Informal discussion
An informal discussion will take place after the education portion of the program, including: • Reflection on previous holiday experiences/traditions, what will be different this year? What will be difficult? What are you looking forward to?
• What rituals or activities are you keeping this year, and what activities are you setting aside this year?
• Do you anticipate creating any new rituals or activities this year?
The group will have an opportunity to share their "takeaways" including insights or ideas they found meaningful in the workshop discussion.
Collected wisdom
The library will provide a selection of collected wisdom that will help add joy, and hope to the holiday season, such as:
• Planning ahead
• Asking for help
• Breaking the silence
• Sharing memories
• Embracing the bittersweet
• Using rituals.
Other resources will be on hand as well.
Closing ceremony
The program will conclude with an Interfaith Holiday Memorial Candle Ritual.
Light has long been a symbol of comfort and hope, and part of our lives this time of year.
Five candles will be lit in honor of loved ones, one each for grief, courage, memories, love, and hope.
Those attending are welcome to bring a photograph or item associated with the person they have lost.
For additional information call 563-252-3108, or email