Central launches Caring Closet
By Zoey Hyde, Times-Register
Central Community Schools has started a new initiative dedicated to providing students with many resources they may need. While schools already provide many resources to students, Angel Keppler and other staff members saw a need for more. This has led to The Warrior Caring Closet.
Keppler has played a huge role in starting this initiative. She explained the Caring Closet as a place to keep items students may need such as school supplies, toiletries, clothing, non-perishable snacks and food and much more. Keppler also explained that, if there is an item a student needs and cannot find, they are welcome to contact her.
“We had a lot of these items already in the school, but we didn’t have a common place where they were all kept. So we thought we needed a common space and hoped to expand it to more things students might need,” Keppler stated.
Keppler explained many staff members saw the need for this and the idea came about from “common conversations.”
Many staff members have also seen similar initiatives done by other teachers or schools on social media, which is where some of the inspiration came from.
Another staff member assisting with this initiative is Heather Lechtenberg, Central’s social worker, who has provided space for the Caring Closet and will help students and families as needed. Allison Walch has also helped with this initiative, doing some background work with Keppler.
Keppler expressed that many other staff members have shown support, donated and are willing to help.
This is important to Keppler because “I think all kids need to be able to focus on school, rather than the things they don’t have or need. With a space where they can just grab those things without any worries, they can get back to being a kid.”
Everyone involved hopes this initiative is used by all, not just students with financial need or who are struggling, and that no stigma develops around the Caring Closet. There are items such as pencils, hair ties, deodorant and more that the average person might need on the daily.
The community's reaction to this initiative has been nothing short of amazing. Keppler explained, “We have had quite a few donations come in from our Amazon wish list, including snacks, toiletries, underwear and many necessities...The community involvement so far has been great.”
Currently, the Caring Closet is looking for hygiene items and shelf stable food like macaroni. The Caring Closet is not taking all clothes donations at this time, but volunteers are looking for more elementary sized clothing. All clothing must be washed and dropped off at the district office.
People can donate either by purchasing from the Amazon wish list or by calling the school to see what items are needed.
Find the Amazon wish list at this link, https://a.co/7rVguUE. Also call the school at (563) 245-1750 to find out how to donate.
The Caring Closet will be open during school registration for students and families in need and throughout the school year.
There are no plans for expansion of the Caring Closet at this time, but the idea is not out of the picture, according to Keppler.