Eagle’s Heart raises money for cancer research

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The Eagle’s Heart and Cancer Telethon, broadcast from the Prairie du Chien Area Arts Center (PAAC) at the High School, went live on YouTube and Channel 6 on Jan. 27. 

The event, emceed by Dan Moris, Tom Stram and Mayor David Hemmer, brought together a menagerie of talent behind and in front of the camera. Several workers behind the scenes donated their time to be part of an increasingly rare type of live television production.

The Prairie du Chien Wrestling Team showed up to do a round of Pushups for Pennies along with emcee Moris and Star Power Dance performed during the show. Several musical guests, like Driftless Magnolias, were on-hand to provide musical entertainment.

Chad Abram provided correspondence from a party at the Eagle’s Club on Blackhawk Road that was held in tandem with the telethon.

A live auction accessible through the Eagle’s Heart and Cancer Telethon website accompanied the broadcast.

At the end of the broadcast, the Moris and the other emcees gathered on stage to announce a total of $32,906.50 raised during the show. The last donation came in with less than two minutes of air time remaining. A final total had not been announced at the time of publishing. The telethon had raised over $1 million over the course of its 49 year lifespan.

The event was hosted by the Prairie du Chien Eagles #1502 and sponsored by Crossing Rivers Health, People’s State Bank, Pete’s Burgers, the Prairie du Chien Fire Department, Truvant and Edward Jones.

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