River Museum to bring mobile tank to Lakeside

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The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is set to present "Ocean Odyssey Mobile Touch Tank" at Lakeside Ballroom in Guttenberg on July 14. Seating is limited. Reservations are required. (Photo courtesy of National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium)

By Caroline Rosacker

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in association with the Smithsonian Institute is set to present Ocean Odyssey Mobile Touch Tank on July 14, at 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. at Lakeside Ballroom in Guttenberg. 

The event is part of the Guttenberg Public Library's summer reading program. Reservations are required due to limited seating. Call the library at 563-252-3108 to secure your spot. 

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is on a  mission to inspire stewardship by creating educational experiences where history and rivers come alive.

Their vision is to become the world’s leader in interpreting and protecting the life, history and culture of our region and rivers, to create a more global, knowledgeable and engaged citizen.

Aquariums do travel! 

"With our mobile touch tank children and adults will meet our stingrays. They will deepen their empathy for these creatures and learn about the connection between humans and their impact on the ocean. Our traveling touch tank brings live ocean animals to you!" says a museum spokesperson.

The program is designed to separate common misconceptions surrounding stingrays, and highlight the unique adaptations these animals have to survive. "The presentation will also allow participants to explore the important roles stingrays play in the ecosystem, learn how the actions of people in the landlocked Tri-State area impact stingrays that live thousands of miles away, and discover how people can help protect them," they listed.  After the program, participants may have an opportunity to get their hands wet and touch some of the animals.

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is an extension  of the Dubuque County Historical Society, which also operates the Mathias Ham Historic Site, is home to the National Rivers Hall of Fame, and supports a national outreach program called RiverWorks Discovery. 

The Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium has been recently awarded, recognized and honored as: 

• 2022 Outstanding Attraction of the Year (metro category) - Travel Iowa/Iowa Economic Development Authority

• 2021 Travelers' Choice - TripAdvisor

• 2021 Award of Excellence for Iowa Marine Engine & Launch Works Exhibit - American Association for State and Local History (AASLH).

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