Crawford County Board June 15, 2021

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June 15, 2021

The Crawford County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at the Crawford County Administration Building in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin on June 15, 2021.

The Board was called to order by Chairman Tom Cornford.  Roll was called with all members present, except Supervisors Greg Russell and Wade Dull.  

The Chairman led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was verified as being properly posted.  

Chairman Cornford reminded board members to turn on microphones when speaking, as we have citizens attending via Zoom.    

Motion by Steiner, second by Kuhn to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Cornford requested that the minutes of the previous meeting be amended to include Linda Munson as appointed to the broadband committee.

Chairman Cornford announced that he would like to appoint Mark Gilberts to the County Board of Supervisors to fill the unexpired term of Duane Rogers in District #5.  Mark Gilberts stood and introduced himself to the County Board of Supervisors.  

Motion by Orr, second by Munson to approve the appointment of Mark Gilberts to District #5 to fill the unexpired term of Duane Rogers.  Motion carried unanimously upon call of the roll.

The Clerk issued the Oath of Office to Mark Gilberts, County Board of Supervisors in District #5.

Chairman Cornford advised that he needed to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the County Board.  Brad Steiner was nominated as Vice-Chair.  

Motion by Olson, second Munson that nominations be closed and a there was a unanimous voice vote by the County Board to approve Brad Steiner as Vice-Chairman.  Motion carried unanimously upon call of the roll.  

Chairman Cornford appointed Gary Koch, County Board Supervisor District #3 to fill the vacancy on the Finance Committee.  

Motion by Orr, second by Olson to approve the appointment of Gary Koch to the Finance Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Deanne Lutz, Crawford County Treasurer informed the board that Crawford County has been awarded $3,133,258 in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which is based on the population of the county.  

All municipalities of Crawford County are also entitled dollars through the ARPA- Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.  However, each municipality has to apply for the funds through the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website.  There is a deadline to request the funds by Friday, June 18, 2021. 

Jim Hackett and Deanne Lutz will be forming a committee to review and consider all proposals throughout Crawford County for grant dollars.  They will then be bringing forth the requests to the Finance Committee for final approval.  

Deanne pointed out that one major spending qualification is for counties to consider investing in broadband infrastructure.  

Dale Klemme, Community Development, updated the board with information obtained from the broadband committee meetings.  They have learned that it will likely cost about $26 million to get fiber to all the homes throughout Crawford County.  There will be substantial amounts of funding coming in the near future, however Public Service Commission grants will require some degree of private/public partnership agreement.  

The Vernon Communications Co-op would consider submitting an application to PSC for a $7 million project, which would provide fiber to the northwest portion of Crawford County that includes Town of Freeman, Town of Utica and Town of Seneca.  This would serve approximately 1,164 households in the county. 

Vernon Communications would ask for 85% grant.  However, PSC generally only gives grant for up to 80%.  The Co-op board may consider doing a grant with 15% match, with the county matching 5%, if the county would consider financing the project in phases.  PSC reimburses two times a year, and it is estimated there might be a maximum of $2 million float at any one time on the project before reimbursement.  

Dale Klemme is asking the county board to consider participation in a cooperative agreement with Vernon Communications contingent upon review by Corporate Counsel.  Klemme is also asking that Finance Committee meet to review and discuss financial participation and the impact this may have, before forwarding on for final approval to the full county board.  There would be need to call a special county board meeting, as the deadline for this grant is July 27th.

Motion by Orr, second by Munson to review and discuss the county’s financial participation in a PSC broadband grant at a special finance committee meeting with recommendation to approve and send back to full county board for final approval by all county board members.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion by Stirling, second by Olson to consider entering a cooperative partnership agreement with Vernon Communications contingent upon review of corporation counsel.  The motion carried with no negative votes cast.  



WHEREAS,  there are numerous parcels of land with conflicting descriptions and boundaries that cannot be accurately described or retraced due to monuments lost, obliterated, or never set, gross errors in lot measurements or locations and ambiguous descriptions which are not sufficiently certain or accurate for the purpose of assessment and taxation in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE ¼ of NW ¼) in Section 3, Township 9 North, Range 5 West, lying East of State Highway 27, Town of Seneca, Crawford County, Wisconsin.  

WHEREAS, the Crawford County Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee feels an Assessor’s Plat in the above area is in the best interest of Crawford County and the property owners contained within the Assessor’s Plat.  An Assessor’s Plat will provide clear title and rectify gross errors in legal descriptions.

WHEREAS, the Crawford County Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee is recommending that River Valley Land Surveying, LLC, 721 Kennedy Street, Sauk City, Wisconsin be contracted to prepare said Assessor’s Plat.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the Crawford County Board of Supervisors, at the recommendation of the Crawford County Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee, cause to be prepared an Assessor’s Plat of the above described real estate:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Crawford County Board of Supervisors, at the recommendation of the Crawford County Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee, contract with River Valley Land Surveying, LLC to prepare said Assessor’s Plat.  

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that pursuant to Section 70.27 Wis. Stats., that the actual and necessary costs of said Assessors Plat shall be paid by the County Treasurer, and all of such costs shall be charged to the land.  

Respectfully Submitted this 15th day of June, 2021.

Crawford County Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee:

David Olson, Chairman  Wade Dull

Robert Standorf     Gary Koch

Kim Moret

Approved by,

Thomas G. Cornford, County Board Chairman

Gionne Collins, Property Lister, appeared before the board to explain the Resolution Relating to an Assessor’s Plat in the Town of Seneca.   There are numerous parcels of land in Seneca Township with conflicting legal descriptions and land boundaries that are not sufficiently certain or accurate.  An Assessor’s Plat will provide clear title and rectify errors in the legal descriptions.  

Land Conservation, Planning and Zoning committee recommends River Valley Land Surveying LLC prepare an Assessor’s Plat.  The charges would then be billed to the landowners.  Landowners have been sufficiently notified, and there have been no complaints.  Gigi explained to the board members the process that needs to be followed when preparing an Assessor’s Plat.  

Motion by Olson, second by Koch to approve the resolution Relating to an Assessor’s Plat in the Town of Seneca.  Motion carried unanimously.  

David Troester, Land Conservationist, shared with the board the results of the second round of water testing that was done in April.  One hundred one water tests were given out and ninety-four samples were returned.   There were 8 homes throughout the county that tested above the health standards for nitrates.  Ten of the ninety-four samples tested positive for Coliform bacteria; however, those ten samples were negative for E. coli bacteria.  

Chairman Cornford asked for any board members that would be interested in serving on the Driftless Development committee.  

There being no further business to come before the Board, there was a motion by Flansburgh, second by Olson to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.  




I, Roberta A. Fisher, Clerk of County of Crawford, State of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Crawford County Board of Supervisors at the Regular Session on June 15, 2021.

Roberta A. Fisher, Crawford County Clerk


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