McGregor Home Tour: Part 2

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(Photo by Audrey Posten)

(Photo by Audrey Posten)

The Turner Park: Fitness for All Ages Committee is sponsoring a tour of four unique McGregor homes on Sunday, Aug. 18, from 1 to 4 p.m. Tickets can be purchased the day of the event at each participating property. All proceeds will go toward adding a splash pad at Turner Park. Over the next few weeks, North Iowa Times editor Audrey Posten will feature each home included in the tour.

“It’s kind of a hodge podge of ideas,” Linda Witter said of the home she and late husband Roger built nearly a decade ago on their farm outside McGregor. “As I’ve gotten older, my style has changed. It’s very eclectic.”

That style goes from old to new in just a matter of feet. The homey kitchen and dining area, complete with built in cabinets to hold Linda’s porcelain collection, transitions to a modern living room with leather furnishings, unique lamps and a large bicycle wall hanging. Pops of pink come out through one of the lamp bases, pillows and blankets, an ottoman, flower sculpture and the large rug in the middle of the room. 

“I like pink,” she quipped.

And she doesn’t shy away from bold pieces.

“If I see something that strikes me, I’ll try to work it in,” Linda said. “If I have to spray paint it to blend in, I will.”

In other parts of the home, a more agricultural aspect shows through.

“This used to be a big working farm,” shared Linda, “so my heart still goes with the pigs and cows.”

Downstairs is the “mancave,” an area to showcase Roger’s skills as an avid hunter and fisherman.

“The upstairs was mine to decorate,” she said, “but downstairs was strictly his locale.”

Linda’s favorite part of the house, which includes three bedrooms and two and a half baths, is that it’s open. From the living room, one has a lovely view of the backyard pond the Witters put in several years ago. You can also see trees and wildlife—although Linda has a bit of a love/hate relationship with the cute critters who like to nibble on the flowers and bushes she’s added outside the house. She’d rather be out there tending to the plants than sitting inside.

“I really like flowers, the colors,” she said. “I just love it here; I love the country.”

Jasper Avenue is located off Highway 18, just outside McGregor. The highway bisects the road, so make sure you take the portion on the same side as Maggie’s Diner. The Witter home is the first property on the right.

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