Preliminary concept unveiled for Butterfly Trail extension

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At its Jan. 2 meeting, the Monona Council reviewed preliminary concept plans developed for an extension of the city’s Butterfly Trail.

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor

At its Jan. 2 meeting, the Monona Council reviewed preliminary concept plans developed for an extension of the city’s Butterfly Trail. 

Starting at the Butterfly Garden, on West Davis Street, the trail extension will run along Bulldog Boulevard, cross 125th Street/West Spruce Street, then parallel Highway 18/52 to reach Gateway Park, at the town’s entrance.

The council was supportive of the design, but suggested the trail extension not be located so close to the intersection of 125th Street and Highway 18/52, to avoid traffic turning off the highway into town. With the addition of a Dollar General store, they anticipated traffic will also increase in the vicinity.

The trail extension, said city administrator Dan Canton, will be concrete paved and cost approximately $180,000. Last year, the city was the recipient of a $75,000 Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which will go toward trail construction. This week, Canton said the city should know if it receives a $90,000 federal recreation grant for the project.

This summer, Canton said the city plans to apply for a state recreation grant to concrete pave existing portions of the Butterfly Trail.

Dollar General site plan is reviewed

The trail extension wasn’t the only site plan the council reviewed. They also checked out the final site plan for the Dollar General store, which will be located near the intersection of 125th Street and Highway 18/52. 

“There’s nothing to approve,” Canton said, “just a heads-up on what it’s going to look like.”

Last year, the council approved annexing the property where the store will sit into the city of Monona, following a request by the Overland Group. Canton said the Iowa Secretary of State has received the information regarding the annexation. Now, the county recorder and utility companies will be notified that the property is now in city limits.

New stop sign approved

The council approved the placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Tower Street and Bulldog Boulevard. There is currently a yield sign at the location, but the police department felt it was insufficient, said officer David Heins.

“We’ve already had an accident out there. Someone didn’t yield,” he shared. “We hope to curb further accidents.”

In addition to the stop signs, the council also approved the placement of two 15 mph speed signs on Bulldog Boulevard, with one by the aquatic center and another near the water tower. 

Planning for sanitary sewer extension

The council gave the go-ahead to engage Fehr Graham Engineering in creating an engineering agreement and plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer extension from Oak Street. 

Canton said the city and the engineer have already considered numerous options in the area, as the city intends to annex properties along its southeast boundary.

Setting new goals

Lynn Martinson, presiding over his first meeting as Monona’s new mayor, took a moment to address the council, congratulating them on their accomplishments.

“I went through your goals and work accomplished,” he said. “It’s excellent, what you’ve done.”

He said he looks forward to meeting with council members—Andrew Meyer, Dan Havlicek, Doug Bachman, Preston Landt and Heather Lange—to set new goals and objectives for the city.

“Bring everything to the table,” Martinson encouraged, “to discuss and prioritize and move forward. I’ve got a bunch of ideas, and I know you do too.”

Martinson said he’s especially interested in improving the community’s infrastructure—everything from streets and curb and gutter to storm sewer.

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