Wisconsin River Trail
Wisconsin River Trail
project gets $200,000 grant
By Ted Pennekamp
The Wisconsin River Trail Organization (WRTO) has been awarded a $200,000 Knowles Nelson Stewardship Grant to go towards starting construction of the Wisconsin River Trail, which will eventually run from Boscobel to Wauzeka.
“When I got the call on Friday, I sat and cried,” said Denise Fisher who has spearheaded the trail project as a board member of the WRTO. “We received the maximum amount! As time went on and no word had been received, my heart was sinking. And then, Friday morning, the best birthday present a girl could ask for was received. Our Phase I trail to the Boscobel Boat Landing is now a solid reality, with final plans and permits going strong.”
Fisher said that Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permits will take between 30 and 60 days, and construction on Phase I of the project will follow as soon as possible.
Fisher noted that Phase I will consist of about 3/4 of a mile to the Boscobel Boat Landing from the end of Sander’s Creek Trail. It is expensive due to safety issues and crossings. Fisher said the safety crossings have increased the cost by almost half, but safety is the first priority.
“It (Phase I) includes the crossing with beacons and curb installation as well as any other safety precaution that we can use to protect our community and tourists,” she said. Fisher said that Phase I is expected to cost $400,000, so the grant will cover half the cost. The city of Boscobel is expected to pick up most of the rest of the costs. The WRTO has dedicated at least $55,000 towards the trail.
“We expect to have a ground breaking ceremony this fall yet, but due to permits needed from the DNR, it may take until the spring to get a solid start, depending on our winter weather,” said Fisher, who noted that the city is planning on doing much of the construction. “It (Phase I) should easily be finished by the end of next summer.”
Fisher said that the WRTO will continue fund raising for the project with the Hiking and Biking Banquet scheduled for Nov. 14 at the Boscobel Bowl and Banquet. There are 200 tickets being sold at $25 apiece. A delicious meal will be included at the banquet.
The inaugural Taste of Boscobel was held on Saturday at Double K’s in Boscobel and was a great success. The band Fast Action got back together after 19 years and Boscobel’s Greg Patchak, Stephanie Pendleton and Barb Halverson performed amazingly as well, said Fisher. “We had a beautiful day and a wonderful turnout, with plans for next year starting already! Thanks to all the sponsors, vendors, Double K’s and their great staff and volunteers for making this a great success. What a great place to announce the grant award in front of all our friends and families!”
Phase II of the Wisconsin River Trail Project is not set in stone, said Fisher, who noted that the second phase of the project could concentrate on reaching Woodman or could begin near Wauzeka, especially if Wauzeka and/or Prairie du Chien residents showed a lot of interest.
The Wisconsin River Trail will be a hiking, bicycling, cross country skiing trail connecting Boscobel, Woodman and Wauzeka. Much of the trail will run along the old railroad bed and along the beautiful Wisconsin River.
“The only thing that stands in the way of a trail is funding, and we’ve just shown that that can be tackled,” Fisher said. “Together we can do whatever it is we set our mind to.”
Fisher said that she will be working on writing an 80/20 DOT grant whereby the DOT would pay 80 percent. She also hopes to get more volunteers for the trail project. “We start our major fund raising on Nov. 14 this week,” said Fisher. “Last year, our first year, we raised $18,000. This year, I hope to raise $23,000. It’s so much work for six-eight people. I invite people to come join a group that always enjoys each other’s company and works hard to make a difference in our future! We don’t have enough volunteers. Challenging others to come join our organization or any other that might spur them on is what I would like to see. I will never leave a financial inheritance, but I will, even better, leave a legacy trail. A beginning that our communities can build upon. The generations to follow may not remember me, but my grandchildren and following generations, will know that we dreamed of something better for our communities. I am ecstatic that we have been blessed with this opportunity and invite others to pay it forward!
“To make each of our cities stronger, we need everyone to share in the commitment and volunteer a little bit. You may think you’re not a volunteer kind of person, but even the smallest amount of help benefits. I love our community, and up to now, have never really volunteered in my life. I would like to challenge each of you to step out and help in whatever makes you passionate. This goes to show you that by having a dream and following it, we now have the beginning of a trail! I encourage everyone to please consider helping the WRTO leave a legacy for all of our grandchildren!”
For more information, interested persons can view the WRTO Facebook page, Wisconsin River Trail Project. The website is www.wisrivertrail.org. Denise Fisher can be emailed at denisefisher5995@gmail.com. Pictures of donations coming in will be posted on the Facebook page.