Get creative for Fallfire Art Contest

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“Fall Cardinal Look-Alike,” by Kim Suetmeyer, was the grand prize winner of Fallfire last year.

The two-dimensional art winner for Fallfire last year was Mike Kabele with “The Holdouts.”

The Other Media winner, Vase of Life, was created by Brooklyn Elliott.

The Peoples Choice for 2014 was "The Marsh," by Suzy Tegge.

Photography winner Clarissa Oehler captured "A Gentle End" for her Fallfire submission.

Get creative for Fallfire Art Contest With the support of several area businesses, cartoonist John Mundt, Esquire, of Prairie du Chien, is hosting the 12th Annual Fallfire Art Contest now through Oct. 31. Open to artists of any age, and in all mediums, Fallfire 12 is now accepting submissions.

Inspired by the sights and sounds of autumn, Mundt, illustrator of The Collected Short Stories of L. Frank Baum, founded the contest in 2004 to challenge artists to “flex their creative muscles.” Participants are asked to create a work inspired by the word “fallfire.”

“Fall always puts me in a very creative mood. I hope to share that feeling with this creativity-inducing exercise,” Mundt said. Again this year there will be a grand prize winner, as well as prizes awarded in four different categories: photography, two-dimensional art, written works, and other media. Last year’s Best of Show winner was “Fall Cardinal Look-Alike,” an oil painting by Kim Suetmeyer. Previous winning Fallfire entries also include music, poetry, photographs, woven art, mixed media, jewelry, a video essay, and even a set of note cards.

Contestants are asked to submit their entries before noon, Oct. 31. Official rules, a list of prizes, and some previous winning entries can be found at

Submissions (and requests for more information) can be emailed to, or delivered to Fallfire 12, 1411 South 14th St., Prairie du Chien, WI 53821-2835, by mail or drop-off. Although there will be ribbons presented, as well as hundreds of dollars in monetary prizes awarded, Mundt contends that, “they will be just tokens anyway, as the true reward will be the work itself.”

“No, really. I’m serious! Just enjoying the process should be a prize in itself,” he said.

Contest finalists will be announced and notified on Monday, Nov. 2, with awards presented at a public Open House gallery show, entitled Fallfire: Spirit, to be held Nov. 7 at the Driftless Area Wetlands Centre, in Marquette, Iowa. The gallery, featuring all entries, will then continue to be open to the public during regular business hours, Nov. 9-13. All contest entrants will also be invited to offer their work for sale in the gallery, commission free. Further Fallfire: Spirit gallery details will be released later.

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