Slow-no wake
Proposed slow-no wake at Campion Boat Landing considered for safety
By Ted Pennekamp
The process of possibly implementing a slow-no wake zone at the Campion Boat Landing is continuing. Prairie du Chien City Administrator Aaron Kramer said that the permit application has been sent to the Wisconsin DNR for review and fine tuning.
“The process has changed slightly from in the past and the DNR now requires a conditions report,” said Kramer, who noted that a conditions report details what the conditions at the proposed area would be like if a slow-no wake zone is not put into effect and also what the impacts would be if a slow-no wake zone were to be put in place.
Kramer said there has been an increase in boat traffic and in the usage of the Campion Landing in recent years, which has created more congestion in the area. “Safety is the number one concern,” said Kramer. “It’s become a congested channel. People are using [the boat landing] more and that’s a good thing. It’s a nice problem to have.”
The proposed slow-no wake zone will begin 400 feet north of the Campion Boat Landing, then run in a westerly direction to a point on Hunter Island, then due south to the southern tip of Hunter Island, then east to a point 400 feet south of the Campion Boat Landing, then in a northerly direction to the point of beginning, according to the proposed ordinance.
Kramer said people can give input and suggestions to city council members or city officials, and there will also be at least one more public meeting on the matter, probably in November.
He noted that nobody attended the public works committee meeting on Sept. 1, at which the committee voted 4-0 to forward the proposed slow-no wake ordinance and permit application to the DNR.
The last step for the proposed slow-no wake ordinance will be when it goes before the city council. Kramer said the council will probably vote on the matter in November of 2015.
If the council adopts the ordinance, the slow-no wake zone would go into effect in the spring of 2016.