Prairie du Chien making water system improvements

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Prairie du Chien’s continued efforts toward improving the municipal infrastructure system will focus on the city’s water system over the next several months. Earlier this year, the city contracted with Municipal Management, Inc., of Madrid, Iowa, to do an extensive survey of the water system to identify any underground leaks. These leaks result in water loss, plus additional operational costs for the water system and, ultimately, the customers. Over 20 leaks were identified, with over half of them being classified as major.

“It appears that many of these leaks may have been caused by the extreme cold weather we experienced two winters ago,” Water Department Manager Larry Gates said. “Additionally, we have an old system, with some of the water services dating back to the 1940s. The water department will make every attempt to repair these water leaks in a timely fashion to decrease the amount of unaccounted water.”

Listed below are the major water leaks located during the survey that are scheduled to be repaired yet this year. Property owners impacted by the repairs will be notified prior to any work being done:

•North Michigan Street between East Blackhawk Avenue and Haydn Street

•North Wacouta Avenue between East Blackhawk Avenue and Haydn Street

•Louis Street east of North Prairie Street

•North Main Street between Louis Street and Court Street

•North Wacouta Avenue between Haydn Street and Park Street

•Washington Street between North Beaumont Road and North Wacouta Avenue

•Perry Street between North Prairie Street and North Main Street

•Rolette Street between 4th Street and Villa Louis Street

•South Wacouta Avenue between Iowa Street and Cass Street

•South Prairie Street south of West Cass Street

•South Beaumont Road between Webster Street and Dunn Street

•South Wacouta Avenue between Mooney Street and Glenn Street

•Intersection of 6th Street and East Broadway Street

•12th Street south of Campion Boulevard.

“The water leak survey has indicated additional leaks that are currently being looked at and repaired by additional distribution maintenance, like main valves exercising and/or fire hydrant repair,” Gates said. “The survey also discovered water leaks that were found to be the homeowner’s responsibility and are being repaired or scheduled to be repaired by the customer.”

“The investment the council approved in the water system leak survey ($2,700) will pay dividends many times over in the reduction in lost water,” City Administrator Aaron Kramer said. “We have been very proactive in addressing the infrastructure needs of the city, not only in the water department, but also with the increasing number of street repairs that have been made over the past several years. These are problems that don’t fix themselves.”

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