School board gets three new members
By Pam Reinig
Register Editor
There will be three new faces at Central School Board meetings beginning, Monday, September 21st.
NiCole Dennler, Suzy Hilgerson and Mike Whittle last week earned a place on the board following a regular school election. They replace departing members Kristin Fitzgerald, who has served 10 years, and Todd Lenth and Joleen Jansen, who have been on the board for four and 10 years, respectively.
The other members of the board are Rob Frieden, Jered Finley, Ed Hertrampf and Rachel Jaster. They are midway through their current four-year terms.
“I look forward to working with Mike, NiCole, Suzy and our incumbent board members as we continue to look for ways to improve and grow the Central Community School District,” said Central superintendent Nick Trenkamp. “I look forward to the new ideas and energy the incoming board members will bring to the table.”
“I’d also like to thank Todd, Joleen, and Kristin for their service. The financial strength of our school district is in large part due to their hard work and tough decisions. I have learned a lot from all three and our community will not find stronger supporters of the Central School District.”
All three newly elected board members have children attending Central. NiCole Dennler has a student in middle school and one in high school. Suzy Hilgerson has a freshman and a junior at Central, and Mike Whittle has four youngsters who are students there.
In a pre-election interview with the Register, the new board members listed enrollment numbers, the availability of AP (advanced placement) course offerings and communication as challenges facing the district. Each listed a separate priority for their tenure as a school board member. Dennler, for example, wants to put to rest the “myth of being a dissolving school district.”
She continued, “I want to help Central establish a strong use of their resources by promoting opportunities the school can provide the students whether they are entering the workforce directly out of high school ore proceeding on an educational journey.”
Hilgerson want students to graduate feeling confident and prepare for the next phase in their lives. “Central has always had a reputation for excellence,” said Hilgerson, “and we need to maintain that by moving forward with our approach to education so that Central can continue it’s excellency and continue to grow and change with the students and with the times, so be have better prepared students today, to be better members of the community/society tomorrow.”
Whittle’s top goal is improving communication district-wide: “I would like to open lines of communication. . .so that everyone can voice their concerns,” he said. “Hopefully, then everyone can have a good understanding and awareness of the problems and changes that need to be addressed for the district to be successful and viable for years to come.”
Contact information for school board members can be found on Central’s website under the “district” pull-down tab.