Recycled bottle cap fish mosaic introduced by Umbrella Arts
Submitted by Juanita Loven
Umbrella Art President
Few knew that a historic venture was taking place at the Welcome Center on Thursday, Feb. 19. The FIRST recycled bottle cap fish mosaic was being created by Umbrella Arts (UA) volunteers.
The idea for a bottle cap mosaic came about when Mayor Russ Loven and Juanita were vacationing in the Corpus Cristi area of Texas in March 2014. Friends took them out to for fish at Pop’s Tavern in Lamar. The Lovens were fascinated by huge bottle cap mosaics mounted on two walls. Thus, the idea to recreate such a mosaic in Guttenberg was born.
After almost a year of collecting bottle caps from local businesses and individuals, washing and sorting caps by color, and formulating a plan, the creative part of Guttenberg’s first bottle cap mosaic was completed; however, we had to wait for warmer weather to apply the final epoxy bar-top finish to preserve it in all kinds of weather and circumstances. This was accomplished on April 17.
This is an Umbrella Arts project. UA member Jeff Dolan donated the 30”x90” hollow core door that the mosaic is mounted on, plus a stand to aid in displaying this piece of art.
The plan is for this portable piece of art to be displayed around the city and at events.
If your business or event would like to display Guttenberg’s first recycled bottle cap fish mosaic, contact Emily Moser at the Welcome Center (252-2323). When the mosaic is not on display elsewhere, it will be located at the Welcome Center.
We want to emphasize that this is a portable art piece, with its’ own stand, ready to travel. The volunteers who worked on the project are Molly Moser, Emily Moser, Caroline Rosacker, Lori Wallace and Juanita Loven.
When you get a chance to see this work of art, you may want to look for unique, one-of-a-kind bottle caps. Also, we plan to have fun with “Where’s Walley (Walleye)” this week or whenever.
Anyone who would like to try a recycled bottle cap mosaic, of any size, is asked to contact Juanita Loven. We have many, many bags of colorful recycled bottle caps to share. Maybe Guttenberg can be the recycled bottle cap mosaic art project capitol of Iowa (or the Midwest, or the world…). Do you have an old book shelf or another piece of furniture that needs decorating???? What about decorating one of the “Chair Sculptures” (replacing our recycled bicycle sculptures of last year) in this year’s contest? Maybe a new industry will be born!